Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trip Begins, Oct. 31, 2013


House rented, left for Los Angeles

Sometimes our path in life can take an abrupt change. If we learn to listen to God’s quiet whisper, we can be presented with possibilities that can have life altering results.

At Pepperdine Campus

As some of you might know, our lives have been shifted in an astounding way.  After meeting a family that has been seeking asylum from war torn Iraq, we offered them our home to live in.  For 7 weeks we shared our lives under one roof while Bruce and I made preparations to do eight months of travel. We count ourselves privileged to live with the freedoms in the US having heard of
.their life stories. We left them on Halloween morning.

Les & Lawrence

Before taking off for our first jaunt to Fiji, Australia and New Zealand for three months, we said our good byes to Barb’s Mom, left our car with our daughter Kimberly in SF and headed south.  We stayed with our daughter Leslie & her husband Lawrence in their beautiful and relaxing condo in West LA for five days.  Our activities included a much needed massage, attending the movie screening and Q&A of The Book Thief, took a local hike, did a bike ride to the beach, church, piHop, a picnic and tour of Lawrence’s alma mater “Pepperdine,” catching a sunset at the Getty Museum, and just hanging out.