Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday - January 13, 2014 Queenstown, NZ


Stayed in Queenstown…

Slept in until 9am, which was sooooo nice!!!

After breakfast we went on a two-hour walked through the botanical gardens of Queenstown.  It was nice to find the identity of the trees and flora labeled.  They actually had three healthy Sequoia trees along with many species from other parts of the US.

English rose garden



pond bridge

Band stand

View from botanic gardens

Over in one area of the park there was a tribute to some explorers of Antarctica.  It sounded much like the Shackleton exploration of tragedy and triumph…minus the triumph.  Two letters were so well written that I took a picture.

Explorers last message

In the middle of the park was a large well-manicured lawn bowling facility.  We also found some tennis courts that were filled with players and small kids that were taking lessons.  We sat and watched.

Wimbledon's  future

Lawn bowling

Grabbed some wonderful parsnip-spinach-bacon soup and bread for lunch before heading back to do laundry and planning.

Already for our departure on yet another Kiwi Experience bus tomorrow…beginning our adventure and return to the northern parts of New Zealand.

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