Wednesday, January 1, 2014

River Valley Lodge Wed.-January 1, 2014


Left Taupo and drove to River Valley Lodge

After a short nights sleep, we were picked up at Urban Backpackers Hostel at 7am to begin our drive to River Valley Lodge. It was a gloriously sunny day with billowing white clouds, the perfect backdrop to a ride in the country.

Leaving the eastern side of Lake Taupo we entered the countryside with rolling green hills with cow, sheep and deer ranches.  That’s right deer being raised for venison. Turangi was our first stop for food supplies.  We were told that our lodge for the night was in a remote river valley and that this town would be the only place to get anything that we might need. 

Deer Ranch

Down the road we entered the Tongariro National Park, one of New Zealands oldest parks and one of three World Heritage Parks in New Zealand. We made a stop and a short 20 minute round trip walk to Tawhai Falls.  Beautiful clear water was found.

Tawhai Falls

Three volcanoes were visible from the bus…Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and Tongariro.  All three volcanoes are active with an eruption in 1995 of Ruapehu.  Activity has been registered on Tongariro in 2012. All three have very different appearances.

Tongariro Volcano

Ngauruhoe Volcano

Ruapehu Volcano

On the last of our drive we crossed a bridge.  There was no river below, but instead a deep crevice where the earth had opened up and never closed a number of years ago.  It was rather eerie to see.

Fault crevice

We arrived to the River Valley Lodge entrance where we were told that the bus could not fit down the road so we would have to hike down.  A small old truck met us at the top to shuttle our luggage down for us.  The hill down was steep, dusty and slippery.  All I kept thinking of was the hike back up in the morning!

River Valley Hostel




Lodge reception

The lodge is lovely…rustic, clean and in the middle of nature.  Flushing toilets and showers are detached from the sleeping area.  Our room is up a steep set of stairs so it’ll be interesting for any night needs.

                              lodge interior


The lodge sits on the banks of the Rangitikei River.  The lodge offers class 4 and 5 white water river rafting. Horseback riding is also offered. Horses are not shoed nor do they use bits with the reins. About 8 of our group chose to dress up in wet suits do the river rafting.  No one went horseback riding.

Bruce went fishing at the river and caught five, which he released.  I met a local woman that I sat and talked with and worked on some writing.

A home cooked meal is offered for dinner at 7pm.  The cook told me that she is making a smoked beef and a number of salads.  The cook is a large red head and seems to love her work.  She takes time when she gets too hot in the kitchen to head down and jump into the cold river to cool off! She’s got guts!

This remote area is quite a contrast from the New Years Eve city life of last night.  I for one am enjoying it.

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