Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Westport to Franz Josef Glacier Wed.-January 8, 2014


Drove from Westport to Franz Josef Glacier Village

Our group was up and out by our 9am departure time.

We took a short ride up the road to take a 45 minute hike along the coastline of Cape Foulwind. A small lighthouse still stands along with the Nihua Palm, which is the southern most palm tree in the world.

Cape Foulwind Lighthouse
Nihua Palm, southern most palm

Our driver kept calling the place “Cape Faulin” and it wasn’t until he began talking about the stench of the seals and birds out on the rocks in the area that I knew what he was really saying. 

One of the largest endangered New Zealand fur seal colonies are found on the rocks in this area.  The seals were so heavily hunted at one time that there are only 10% left of what originally inhabited the area.

Male New Zealand Fur Seal

Injured female with her pup

 There was a random sign mounted on the trail identifying cities around the world and how far they are from that point.  Interestingly this is New Zealand’s closest point to Australia…none of which can be seen!

Mileage markers


Enjoying the Westland of New Zealand

Pancake Rocks and blowholes was our next hike.  The rocks are lime stones which have over centuries been eroded and resemble giant stacked of pancakes.  is one of the most unusual rock formations along the coast that I have seen.  We really liked the hike and the views of what God created for us to enjoy.

Pancake Rocks
Pancake Rocks too!

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