Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day in Bargara - Nov. 17, 2013


Attended a local church
Drove to most southern point at Elliott Headlands
Out for dinner
Black-out at resort because of huge electrical storm


My Birthday Man!

After having breakfast we headed out to The Coral Coast Christian Church of Bargara.  We got there a little before 11am and were warmly greeted by others who seemed to apologize for the small size of the second service.  I counted 20 people in attendance.

The church was fairly conservative and Baptist linked.  It’s good to hear different teachings.  The people were curious as to what brought us to their church and couldn’t resist a little chiding toward the “Yanks!”

A ride and walk along the beach followed before heading back to the resort for a bite of lunch.

Weather is proving to be very unstable here.  Electrical storms with dark black and sage green clouds descended on us in the afternoon as we attempted to drive into Bundaberg to find a Wi-Fi café.  The skies were so ominous and reminded us of tropical disturbances in Florida that we knew better and turned around to head back to the resort.  We grabbed some birthday dinner for Bruce on the way and got into our room just before the winds and rains opened up and the electricity shut down. Luckily we packed headlamps and were equipped to see in the dark.

 A woman later told us that the green sky color indicated hail and the falling stones had done considerable damage north of here. The electricity which failed, remained out until about seven the next morning.

Raining inside resort!

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