Monday, November 11, 2013

Travel to Brisbane, Australia - Nov. 11, 2013


Pack up, catch up and transfer to Nadi airport for flight to Brisbane, Australia

Repacked our bags to check out at 10am.  The resort allows bags to be stored on site, allowing our enjoyment of the facilities (including shower) until we head to the airport at 1:30pm.

I had a false sense of how easy a security check on a small Pacific Island would be.  The fact was it was tighter than LAX.  Not only did our carry-ons get checked once, but even though we were kept in the secure waiting area prior to boarding, they checked us again between the ticket scan and walking onto the aircraft! All beverages purchased in that area were not allowed on board! 

Although the flight between Fiji and Brisbane was nearly 5 hours, the only cost-free offerings were water, coffee or tea.  Both of us opted for water.  As Bruce placed my water onto my tray, it caught on the cup indentation and completely spilled all over my lap!  Let’s just say that I had a refreshing flight!  Thankfully it wasn’t sticky soda!

Passing through customs in Brisbane was easy. We were told that Australia was very strict about bringing any kind of food into the country.  If you sneak a nut in, you risk a hefty fine.  We declared the nuts and trail mix that we brought from home and they flagged us on through…pays to be honest!??

Prior to our trip Bruce had made arrangements for a, “car hire” through Europcars that he had ordered online. We will be using the car for roughly 6 weeks, and leaving it off at a different location. Being organized, understanding the international insurance options and having copies of the agreement really helped. We have a great little Hyundai that is perfect for our needs.

Our car!

Once outside and loaded up, we looked at each other and challenged the other to be the first driver.  Being that Bruce is the chief tech-navigator, I got the short stick!  Not only was it night, raining and our lodging was about 30 miles away via overpasses and toll roads, BUT the frigging steering wheel is on the right side of the car and cars travel on the left side of the roads!!!  YIKIES!!!  So, I took a deep breath, adjusted the mirrors, tested the wipers, turned on the lights and gingerly crept out of the security of the parking stall!  Then the “fear laughter” began until I got a grip, whispering in a mantra tone, “keep to the left, keep to the left!”  We made it fine, but we’ll be taking the train into Brisbane tomorrow to sight see!

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