Friday, November 15, 2013

Drive to Maryborough QLD - Nov. 15, 2013


Continued to drive NE to Gympie, Rainbow Beach and into Maryborough

Following a continental breakfast on the patio of the Hotel, we made our first “face time” contact with our daughter Leslie.  It has been difficult to get wifi and then we have to figure that CA is 6 hours ahead of us but a days behind!??  Anyway Les was the only one available as was the family that are living in our house.  We had a nice visit with each.

Having packed up the car, we were off to the town of “Gympie” where we did little more than stop at a library for local information, which included a Justice of the Peace on duty!

Marriage in Gympie Library!??

Rainbow Beach was our next destination and aptly named for the mineral sediments that form various rainbow colored sand on the beaches. A storm front was moving in and may have influenced the sand color. 


The town itself was small and filled with young people who were camping or staying in hostels.  A draw for many was the “Carlo Blow Out” which is used as a jump off point for hang gliders.  We hiked up to the top to see the brightly colored chutes catching updrafts of coastal wind shooting them into higher elevations.  The only marina in the area was a mud flat spotted with land locked boats.  Using moored boats would require ample planning of tides, currents, etc.

Hang glider over Carlo Blow Out at Rainbow Beach, QLD

Home for the evening was in Maryborough at a modest car motel, which gave us a senior discount in the manner of a free breakfast up to a $9.80 value!  Go figure.  Much to my dislike, in the matter of an hour I have been hit with a head cold. Thankfully I brought cold calm!

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