Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bundaberg, Gin Gin & Lake Monduran - Nov. 21, 2013


Drive to Lake Monduran for picnic

After a lazy morning we decided to pack a picnic and head north on the roads that connect Bundeberg to Gladstone.  As we drove through Bundeberg and passed the distillery we were struck by how many signs we pass that refer to floods and low lands.  We have noticed that a number of trucks and small SUV’s have an exhaust looking tube running along the antenna line of their passenger window. Bruce asked a guy that had one what exactly it was.  He told us that it was indeed an intake, kind of like a snorkel.  There are so many floods when the rains fall that to eliminate the chance of getting stuck or stalling out in high water, the vehicles can make it across the water easily!  Approaching all bridges we can see measuring sticks for water depths.

The first town that we came to was Gin Gin.  Rum? Gin? …Maybe the afternoon tea in these rural places has a little more than tea in the cups! Ha!  Actually the town was quaint and after visiting the information center we decided to forgo the drive to Gladstone.  The guide said that it was just another port city and would be about 150 miles to drive one way with not much in between.

The lake was for water and power and appeared to be close to flood stage, which was curious since the rains have just begun.  It seemed to be a popular spot for campers and anglers.  We stopped at a vista spot for lunch and were suddenly flooded with beautifully colored birds.  Their songs were equally impressive.  So since there isn’t much else to write about today, I’ll share my “birds eye view” of things at Lake Monduran.

"...Objects may appear closer than they are"


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