Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving in Coff's Harbour - November 28, 2013

THURSDAY – NOVEMEBR 28, 2013 Coff’s Harbour NSW

Thanksgiving in Coff’s Harbour, NSW

Happy Thanksgiving U.S.A.!!!  In the midst of travel in a foreign country and away from family and friends, we have time to reflect on the things that matter most and all of our many blessings for which we are deeply grateful.  Each of you are on the list and we hope that you have a great day…tomorrow! (we’re a day ahead)  We have not seen any turkey offered on any local menus, so I went on a hunt to find something symbolic of the occasion.  This picture is of a shy wild brush turkey that I chased around.  I was finally able to get a side view.  It has a yellow and red neck/gullet and if we could mix the colors it would be a nice Thanksgiving orange…

Gobble, gobble!  (Bush Turkey)

In the morning we went for a long and hard swim in the salt water pool at the motel.  It was wonderful to get good exercise.  Afterwards we headed down to check out the Coff’s wharf and harbor…that’s spelled HARBOUR locally.  The high school seniors were having their PE class there which was fun to watch.  One group was running to the end of the pier, jumping in and swimming back.  Another group was playing cricket on the beach.  The final group was learning how to boogie board.  All looked like they were getting a good workout.

Coff's Harbour

The harbor was protected by two long rock jetty’s.  Personal watercraft and commercial fishing boats with weathered nets gently rocked to the cadence of the incoming tide.  Bell buoys alerted the harbor of the change as did the call of the gulls and pelicans anticipating a meal.  We shared a fish sandwich for dinner at a café on the pier.  We need to plan meals that will be eaten out because many places simply close at 5pm ad we’re left with some unhealthy eating choices.

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