Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Byron Bay to Coff's Harbour November 27, 2013


Drove coastal route from Coolengata to Byron Bay and onto Coof's Harbor, NSW

Leaving the tourist area of Miami, we headed south to Coolengata, another coastal community. We wanted to see the crescent coastline between this town and Surfers Paradise to the north.  It was a sunny day and for the first time, the water was a beautiful aqua color.  Surfers, paddle boards and swimmers were out enjoying the water.  A shark watchtower was a reminder a constant threat.

Looking north back to cities of Miami & Surfer's Paradise


Coolengata Beach

Shark observation tower

Keeping an eye out for sharks!

Moving further south we crossed into the state of New South Wales and said good-bye to Queensland where we had spent three weeks of our time.  Unbeknown to us, we also entered a new time zone, which put us ahead one hour. We visited a very windy Cape Byron Lighthouse.  The bluff where the lighthouse stands has hiking trails, a historic museum, café and an stunning view of the Pacific coast.  There is a rock outcropping off the coast where snorkelers visit.  The rocks are called Julian Rocks.  My sister Connie has two sons, Byron and Julian so it was fun sharing the names with her!

Cape Byron Lighthouse

View from lighthouse - most eastern point of Australia

A sign along the hiking path warned of snakes.  Snakes are a problem in Australia especially the common brown snake, which if bitten can kill a person.  Any warning was well taken!

Our goal for the day was to drive to Coff’s Harbour.  It was a very long day in the car as we switched back and forth not wanting to miss anything on the way! 

By the time that we arrived to our destination we grabbed a room at a little motel and headed across the street for some pizza.  The guy helping us helped us to more than pizza.  It was a new small restaurant and wasn’t too busy so while the pizza was in the oven he asked if we might like to sample their ice cream line.  Now mind you, this wasn’t the little pink plastic spoons that Baskin Robbins hands you with a quarter teaspoon sample.  This guy pulls out full spoons, a plate and opens the lids of their 8 varieties.  He then looks at our hesitation and says, “Help yourself to as much as you want!”  Bruce was in hog heaven, but used some restraint.  It was a local business promotion and some of the best ice cream we’ve had. Novel idea…dessert before dinner!

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