Sunday, November 10, 2013

South of Nadi, Fiji - Nov. 10, 2013


Meet up with Lori & Rob Leacock, missionaries
Attend Indian Assembly of God Church
Intercontinental Resort
Dinner at Chicken to Go

Rob & Lory Leacock financial missionaries have retired with his 86 year old father to Fiji.  They had done work here along with N .Carolina, Texas and California.  They have a daughter teaching English in Thailand and their son just moved to So. Africa, working for the music ministry of Hillsong church out of Sydney, Australia.  Friends from our church in Sacramento introduced them via internet before our arrival.  They picked us up at 9am to take us to a revival service at an Assembly of God Church just south of Nadi. 

On the way down the road from our resort, they pointed out a Hindu crematorium. We thought it was a park with covered picnic areas for BBQing!  They explained that when they burn a shrouded body on an open concrete table, they must turn the body half way through or the contraction of the body will cause the body to suddenly sit up…giving fright to witnesses that perhaps the person is still alive!!!

Hindu Crematorium

A short distance beyond, Lory pointed out a Muslim cemetery where all plots have what appears to be a babies crib over it.  All cribs face the direction of Mecca.

Muslim Cemetery

Fiji is made up of 40% Fijian, 40% settlers from India and 20% misc. The church that we attended is made up of people from India.  The 3-hour service was quite something to witness. The Pastor had been a Hindu Pastor, involved with witchcraft, sacrifices and the dark side of humanity.  At the risk of murder from his family for betrayal, he left becoming a Christian Pastor and never looked back. He and his family just moved from New Zealand two years ago.

Christian church in the making

The church doesn’t have a Sunday school, so I sat in the back row and gave out stickers and cards to help occupy the children.  They were so sweet with their bashful smiles, long eye lashes and big brown eyes. 

colorful worship


Following the service, we were invited to the pastor’s home for a traditional Indian curry lunch. Spicy doesn’t come close to describing the heat in the food.  Watching the sweat break on the brow of the Pastor was my warning to back off.  Pastor and his wife Rebecca were great hosts and they have a mighty calling on their lives.

Rob and Lory took us on a ride further south to the Intercontinental Resort, a posh club whose room offerings begin at $530/night.  Laws in Fiji state that all beaches are public. Buying a drink allowed us the opportunity to lap up the luxury of the infinity pool and double cabanas that resembled rattan bumper cars with adjustable canopies for shade.

Intercontinental Resort

Infinity Pool at Resort

Our return trip back to the resort was laced with Island facts and a stop at Chicken Express for a light dinner.

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