Saturday, November 23, 2013

Drive from Bargara south to Noosa on the sunshine coast - Nov. 23, 2013


Drove from Bargara to Noosa on the Sunshine Coast

With a timely check out of 10 am, we began our drive south toward Noosa on the sunshine coast.  We took a back road out of Bargara and made a quick stop at a lavender farm that I had been eyeing.  Cute place with everything lavender…and then some!  The owner was pleasant and shared that she and her husband were sugar cane farmers and decided to diversify so that they had something different to carry them through a low market.  Their income is  roughly 2/3 sugar cane and 1/3 lavender. 

Lavender Farm, Bargara, Queensland

Because the region is subtropical, she has the only lavender variety that will grow well in the climate conditions.  It is French lavender good for flower arrangements and drying.  Lavender used for culinary or essential oils will not survive in her garden. Their grown son just returned home to be part of the business.

The day was overcast and threaten to rain but never did.  We made it to Childers and shared one last Mammino’s gourmet ice cream before heading down into Gympie again. 

We made it to Noosa in time to find the last hotel room available in the area for the night.  Although it was more that what we budgeted to spend, we took it for two nights.

The place is right on the river that leads to the ocean.  They have a dock for Bruce to fish from, free kayaks for guests to use, and a swimming pool.  It’s definitely a step above the time-share we just left with regards to having a view!

We were directed to a lawn bowling club across the street to have dinner.  Lawn bowling is a BIG deal in Australia.  The facilities are very nice and accommodate large gatherings for competition and entertainment.  The restaurant helps to support the club by offering good meals to the general public at a reasonable price.

Lawn Bowling Club

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