Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Scarborough Queensland, Australia - Nov. 12, 2013

November 12, 2013
Staying at Scarborough Beach Resort for three nights
Did errands and got organized

Although we went to bed at midnight, which was really 3 am our body time (3 hour time difference from Fiji), the bright sunlight streaming through the our window shades woke us up.  When I looked at my watch, it was 5am! It just seemed so odd to see the sun so high in the sky for such an early hour! Both of us were wide awake, so we decided to cease the day.

7:30 am with the sun high in the sky

Nothing was open so we enjoyed a quiet walk along Scarborough Beach. About 8am we took the car and headed north to the small adjoining town of Redcliffe. While walking to find a tourism office and somewhere to grab breakfast we came across an entire monument and tribute to the music group, The Bee Gees.  It turns out that they are from Redcliffe and are very special to the community.

Home of the music group The Bee Gees

We spent the rest of the day doing errands and getting organized.  Bruce got an Australian SIM card so that we have use of his phone for local calls. My cell will remain off unless I am near Wi-fi and can use Viber or we chat or check on emails.

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