Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Auckland, NZ Wed/Thurs. December 25-26, 2013

DECEMBER 25-26, 2013

Merry Christmas blessings and wishes to all!

Christmas day here was spent flying from Tasmanian, through Sydney and onto Auckland, New Zealand.  Our day began at 5am and we got to the Nomad’s Backpacker Hostel at 11pm.  Upon getting into our room, we realized that although the room was small and we didn’t have anywhere to open our suitcases, we also had no windows in the room!!!  Major claustrophobia besides being HOT!!!  Bruce went down and asked for a fan and they graciously put us in an upgradeThis morning I found a cockroach on my side of the bed...and yes, it was alive!

We spent the 26th getting our phones squared away for NZ, made calls home for Christmas conversations with my Mom and our girls and spent time catching up.

Our hostel is positioned in amongst high end shops…but the streets are lined with homeless.  Quite a contrast!

Thankfully we leave on the 27th…early, and could spend the day outside our room.  Hope the rest of our accommodations are better.

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