Monday, December 16, 2013

Explored Leongatha to Phillips Island, Monday - Dec. 16, 2013


Explored from Leongatha to Phillips Island
Saw first Koala


Seal Rock off Phillips Island was our destination.  We had been told that Wilson’s Promitory to the north of Leongatha is a MUST SEE.  Unfortunately that was in the opposite direction of our travels.  Pictures of the area look amazing, but we have found flowery descriptive words and professional photos rarely define the truth.

We took the coastal route to Seal Rock and took every possible turnoff in between.  The Twin Reefs, the Shale Rocks, the Caves and Eagles Nest were all stops and short hikes along the way.

Eagle's Nest

The Caves

Superb Fairy Wren

One of our favorite stops was at the Koala Conservation Center.  For seven weeks we have kept our eyes open to see koalas in the wild. No luck!  We have seen kangaroos, birds, emus, fox, possum, wombat, but no koalas.

The conservation center is a large natural habitat outside where the facility takes care of koalas that have been rescued and use them to educate people about them.  The inside exhibits were very interesting and it was fun to finally see koalas!

Koala Conservation Center

Amount of food eaten by a Koala in one day

Trail warning at Koala Center!!!

Koala in tree

Arriving to Seal Rock took us about 3 hours with our stops.  There is a large information center with café and gift shop.  The big draw to the location are the penguins.  Each night the roosting penguins walk by a paying audience to essentially go to bed (nest)! 

Off the tip of the Island are a cluster of rocks which are home to seals.  On the hills behind the center is a rookery for silver gulls.  Again we had the place virtually to ourselves.

Fog coming in at Seal Rock

On the way back to our hotel, we made a stop at a chocolate factory.  Luckily it was open, but unfortunately they wanted $15 each to walk through the processing part.  We walked through the gift shop, accepted two small samplings and left.

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