Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lakes Entrance to Leongatha, Sunday - Dec. 15, 2013


Drove from Lakes Entrance to Leongatha for two nights

Today we slept in and had to race around to get out of our room by 10am.  As we were checking out I told the owner what a delightful surprise it was to have laundry equipment and even detergent supplied.  She smiled with a puzzled look on her face and said, “we don’t supply laundry detergent, only dishwasher soap!”  So, rather than having “springtime fresh” we have “lemon” smelling clothes!  No worries…they’re clean!

We grabbed a great breakfast at a local café before heading down the road.


Beverage of choice, flat white!

Our drive out of town included an overlook to the ocean inlet and coastline.  I find it very relaxing to drive along areas and visit the little coastal communities.  We have been told that the quietness that we have experienced will end the day after Christmas when summer vacations officially begin and the sleepy communities morph into wild, loud and crowded tourist hubs.

Barb & Bruce at Lakes Entrance inlet

Lakes Entrance Inlet

One of the first towns we visited was called Sale.  It had a botanical garden, which we visited.  We are definitely hitting locations at the right time. We have followed the blooming season as we have moved further south.

Sale Botanical Garden

Purple Swamp Hen

A sign that we have noticed on the road a few times has been an arrow pointed in the direction of a chimney.  The best that we can figure is that when an old house falls down, the chimney is saved and kept at the property site, which ultimately becomes a historical point of interest. 

Chimneys of historical interest

One of the historical coastal communities that we stopped at was Point Albert.  This one in particular had some interesting historical documentation.  One was about the 11,000km migration of the Godwit bird between Alaska and Point Albert, Australia.  The trip is made every year nonstop! 


Migration of the Godwit bird

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