Monday, December 2, 2013

Drive from Coff's Harbour to Diamond Beach - November 29 to December 2, 2013


Barb missing in action.  Bruce drives us to Diamond Beach, NSW

Guess the great swim that I took wasn’t so great after all.  I apparently got salt water in my ear and the dried salt crystals raised havoc with my equilibrium.  My eyes started twitching in an attempt to compensate for the complete loss of my balance.  The twitching made me severely nauseous.  We had to move to our next destination, but I became to ill to move.  I had also been doing all of the driving while Bruce, navigated and made lodging reservations on the fly.

The motel directed us to a “chemist” where we might find relief.  I was given a medication used for nausea with migraine sufferers and told to begin taking the antibiotics that I had luckily brought with me.

Some how Bruce got us to our next destination…in pouring rain and driving on the wrong side of the road and the wrong side of the car!  Luckily for me, I slept through it all…and the next two days.

Bruce is my hero!  He did research about sudden onset of vertigo since he had a similar bout with it a couple of months ago.  He found the “Epley Maneuver” which if done correctly reverses the condition in 90% of people.  I am writing this in case you know of someone who suffers from dizziness, nausea and vertigo.  It took 5 times of trying before seeing improvement.  I was motivated and continuing my condition was not an option.

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