Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 4 of Tasmanian Tour - Monday, December 23, 2013


Day 4 of tour, Bay of Fires

This morning we bid farewell to a couple of our tour friends.  Greg from Paris was one whom we enjoyed sharing life experiences with…one of the joys of travel!

The first order of the day was a walk up Cataract Gorge in Launceston before picking up new tour guests and heading to the east coast.

Cataract Gorge Hike

The gorge hike was refreshing.  Up at the top we found a beautiful historic bandstand.  Local women in the 20’s desired a place where music could be heard while picnicking on lawns.  They made it happen for the enjoyment of their community.  One rule: no bad language!

Historic Bandstand
The park now has a café/tea room, which seems to be dominated by peacocks.  Although beautiful in color, they tend to smell and be messy…all of which I’m certain would not set well with the “ladies” of the day!


Crossing a suspension bridge we came to a lovely public swimming pool which we’re sure gets lots of use in the summer.

Suspension Bridge

public swimming pool
Making our way to the east coast we were taken to the Bay of Fires which is an area that is highly recommended and a favorite of Lonely Planet.  The orange and rust colors of the granite boulders against the aqua colored waters were stunning.  No one way volunteering to go into the waters as they were cold at 62F degrees.

Bay of Fires

Bruce by the bay
Making our way to Bicheno for the evening, our driver announced an “add on” evening tour to see the penguins come out of their rookery and march around.  We passed.

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