Thursday, December 19, 2013

Flew to Hobart, Tasmania, Thursday - December 19, 2013


Flew to Tasmania
Explored Hobart and packed

Morning came much too soon, but with a 7am shuttle ride to the airport we were up and running.

Because of the construction around the airport, travelers could only be dropped off at the international terminal and had to hike to catch domestic flights a good distance away.  Thank God for suitcase wheels!

We were booked to fly on Tiger Airlines.  When I had booked our flight in September, my confirmation from the airlines noted that I had “no baggage” to check in.  Knowing that would not be the case, I went back into the booking program and could not make any changes to the itinerary.  I made a copy of the confirmation, circled the notation figuring we’d deal with it at the airport…WRONG!!!  We were informed that because we didn’t contact their “call center” at least 4 hours prior to our flight we would have to pay an additional $450 for our bags!!!  Hello?  Our two one-way flights cost $176.  Why does a glitch in the airlines software program become the passenger’s problem? Bruce asked to speak to the manager on duty.  We paid $75 each for our bags and headed for the gate. 

Luckily we only had one-way tickets with Tiger Airlines.  They not only seemed very restrictive with luggage…weighing all carry on pieces and charging for anything in excess, they closed all check-in counters 45 prior to take off (no exceptions), and there was to be absolutely no carry on food or beverages. All snacks, food & beverages were offered after take off for a charge. No one seemed to be buying anything.  Thankfully we have Southwest Airlines at home that allows two free check-in suitcases, and tosses out free snacks and humor to anyone that will accept it!

With all of the airline rules we were surprised that no one asked for our identification at the counter.  I passed the agent our passports and she politely refused saying that she didn’t need them.

The same thing happened going through security…no one asked for our passports or our boarding passes.  They used the conveyor belt scan and that was it.  Computers didn’t need to be taken out of backpacks…nothing!??  No homeland security there! 

Our flight was 55 minutes to the Island of Tasmania.  We landed in Hobart on the southeastern tip of the Island.  We paid a shuttle service a round trip fee to take us to our hotel and then transfer us to the airport next week on the 25th (yes, Christmas Day).

The co-pilot to the van was about our age and returned to work after retirement.  He missed the brain stimulation of people contact.  He was very eager to share his knowledge of historical facts and was very interesting, I might add. A great welcome!

We arrived too early for check in so we left our luggage with the hotel and ventured off to find some lunch and a bank.  Most hotels charge a 1-2% fee if a charge card is used for payment, so we needed cash.

As we cut through a lovely shaded park I noticed a wall of old head stones. I’m guessing that there had been an old cemetery at one time on the site that was near the water.  Perhaps over time the sea waters washed away surrounding soils and eventually the plots.  Anyway, it was a neat display and worthy of a photo. 

Hobart's historic cemetery face lift

 A grouping of old restored wharf buildings had become the home of eateries, pubs and small businesses. We grabbed some salad and headed to a nearby park to find shade.  The weather was predicted to be 104 degrees Fahrenheit with tomorrow forecast for rain and 76 degrees.

Our afternoon was spent repacking for our tour that leaves at 7am tomorrow.  It is a five-day/four-night tour of the entire Island which is a little larger than the state of Rhode Island. The company transports, educates, guides, feeds and accommodates the travelers.  They use large vans that have to carry baggage so backpacks are limited in size. Luckily our return nights stay is at the same hotel and they graciously offered to keep our suitcases for us in a locked/secure room for free!

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