Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 3 of Tasmanian Tour - Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 3 - Cradle Mountain hike

Our tour today began by leaving Strahan by 8 am and making our way into the World Heritage of Cradle Mountain National Park.  Dove Lake sits at the foot of Cradle Mtn. and has a good 3 mile hike around it.  We were told that the hike would be a leisurely two hour walk. 

The weather was less than cooperative as the heavy mist that had shrouded the mountain from visibility quickly turned to rain.  As Bruce said, “we viewed the mist and missed the view!”

Cradle Mtn. & Dove Lake

Fishing barn at foot of Dove Lake

There was an extensive wooden boardwalk for much of the hike, the rest being boulders, loose rock and grated walkways…all of which were slick and slippery when wet.  Thank goodness much of the wooden walks had been covered with chicken wire to give us better traction.

One thing new that I saw was a beautiful red spiky flower called the Waratah.  Seeing spots of the crimson color contrasted against the greens of the forest was like seeing Christmas ornaments scattered in nature.


By the time we returned to the “car park” I was soaked to the bones.  My rain slicker failed and all layers underneath were wet.  Luckily I brought one extra top but was lacking in anything of warmer.

On the way down the mountain our group stopped at the town of Shefield where Bruce bought me a new fleece jacket.  With something warm on, we were able to walk around the town that is known as the town of murals in Tasmania.  All available business walls have been painted with historical murals…many of which are pretty nice.

Our nights stay was in Rosebery on the coast in a YHA hostel.  The hostel was a refurbished large old home.  The kitchen and gathering areas were large and well equipped. Our room was private but had a jail cell feel to it with its one high window and the white cinder block walls.

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