Thursday, December 5, 2013

Diamond Beach, NSW December 5, 2013

THURSDAY – DECEMEBR 5, 2013,  Diamond Beach NSW

Laundry, cleaning and packing up for tomorrow’s departure
Cinema in Tuncurry to see “Adoration,” filmed in this area
Last dusk walk to see wallaby’s and hopefully a Koala

Got up to do some domestic chores in preparation for tomorrow’s departure.  The resort has laundry lines for hanging clothes for drying, which is always my first preference.  Unfortunately the “synoptic” storm that blew into Melbourne earlier arrived just as I hung out the clothes!  Synoptic refers to a storm blowing in off the Indian Ocean and coming into the southern shore of the country. Either way, the clothes were tossed into the dryer.

With it being a stormy day, we decided to clean up, pack and take in the show, “Adoration” that I had mentioned was filmed in the Seal Rock area just south of here.

Seal Rock where "Adoration" was filmed

Our critique of the movie as we left the theater was, “Stupid Aussie show!”
The ocean scenery was beautiful.  The plot and story line had no redeeming value to us.  Our suggestion is to read the reviews and if you really want to see it, wait until it comes out on DVD…don’t waste your money.

The best part of the movie was meeting a couple of gals outside.  They had been sitting in front of us during the show and I had heard an accent other than that of a local.  One was from Germany, the other Austria.  Each had met Australian men in their respective jobs and ended up in Foster.  The more vocal gal was an Orthopedic Surgeon who had three young boys. Both women seemed genuinely excited to meet us, but sorry we were heading out in the morning.  “Although this is a beautiful area,” they said, “it is hard to fit in and find like minded people.” I guess it is a tight knit community making it difficult to join in as a newcomer.

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